Published 2021-08-17
- responding to errors,
- teacher candidates,
- video elicitation interviews,
- reflecting on practice
Copyright (c) 2021 Foster Graif, Erin E. Baldinger, Matthew P. Campbell

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
Responding to student errors is a complex practice that connects teachers’ vision and goals around students, mathematics, and teaching. We explore teacher candidates’ (TCs) reflections on responding to errors during rehearsals of whole-class discussion to gain insight into the vision and goals that might influence their thinking. We discuss five TCs’ assessment of their practice based on video-elicitation interviews to infer their vision around responding to errors and their associated goals for practice. In particular, we attend to how their vision and goals interact in shaping TCs’ reflections on practice. This work offers implications for considering TC development and support.
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