About the Journal
The Mathematics Educator strives to provide a forum for collaboration of mathematics educators at varying levels of professional experience. Its purpose is to promote the interchange of ideas among the mathematics education community locally, nationally, and internationally and to present a variety of viewpoints on a broad spectrum of issues related to mathematics education.
Focus and Scope
The Mathematics Educator is a peer-reviewed, research-oriented journal that publishes in the following categories:
• research reports using quantitative or qualitative methods;
• research-driven curriculum or professional development initiatives (applying rigorous data collection and evaluation and contributing novel, generalizable findings);
• literature reviews or meta-analyses of published studies;
• conceptual or historical analyses;
• book reviews (not including practitioner materials or textbooks);
• commentaries on overarching research methods, issues, public policies, or current events in mathematics education.
Peer Review Process
Manuscripts submitted to TME undergo a double-anonymous review process before they are accepted into the journal. The double-anonymous review process takes between six to eight months. TME requires all reviewers to read the "Joint Statement to Reduce Reviewer Bias" which TME helped create and fully endorses.
Publication Frequency
TME is a student-produced journal published semiannually, in July and December, by the Mathematics Education Student Association (MESA) in the Department of Mathematics and Science Education at the University of Georgia.
Open Access Policy
This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.
Copyright Policy
Authors contributing material to The Mathematics Educator retain copyright for their work. Authors consent to license their work for dissemination by TME. All contents of The Mathematics Educator are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.