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Projects with Promise

Vol. 25 No. 3

Community Engagement by Social Design: Research and Outreach Facing the COVID-19 Pandemic

January 5, 2021


We herein present a university–community engagement established between the Social Design Integrated Center of the Design School (CIDS/UEMG) at Minas Gerais State University and the Lagoinha Complex community. One day before we started the extension project Como a Palma de Minha Mão (Like the Palm of My Hand), social distancing was decreed in our town due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Three months after the suspension of our actions, we had adapted to all changes imposed by the pandemic and resumed activities. These pandemic challenges us to be open to learning more about and with these communities as we have close contact with them, but how can we promote this engagement remotely? This challenge especially applies to the elderly population that integrates the leading risk group but lacks access to new communication technologies in Brazil.